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Thread: About Jacowen's temp ban

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Somewhere over the rainbow

    About Jacowen's temp ban

    Yes, I know it's a temp ban, yes, I know it's expired, but it still won't stop me from complaining about what seemed like a rollercoaster ride to find the real reason Jacowen was banned.

    So for those who hadn't a clue about what happened, I'll fill you in. If you do have a clue, you can skip this paragraph but it might be worth your time to read it anyway. So all of this went down on discord when me, Swix and Jaco where chatting away. Then Jaco said "anyway I need two commands in the serverz, I need /op and /nick" this was very obviously a joke, I asked about who had seen Mark lately (apparently he was on just before all this) Toppana then said "and Jaco, you can be glad I'm the one reading discord chat mostly" I had not a clue what this meant at the time. We then joked about campaigning for Jaco to become OP then Toppana said "That's it. I know you are joking but that still wont stop me from using this command I havent used ever on this server" Okay, I got on the server to see what it was, turns out it was the temp ban command. I at the time thought this was a joke, although it did seem awkward that the temp ban seemed that long, but still I joked about a ban appeal.

    On the next day (I think) I saw Toppana on the server and asked why Jaco was banned, Toppana said that it was that he didn't like what he saw, Jacowen did say some stuff that was a bit odd and might be taken offensively (altough I really didn't see how,) so I thought it was that. Jacowen had set up a server to play on while he was waiting for the ban to expire, and Toppana was on. I didn't see what happened but apparently Toppana said it was because he was talking about becoming OP. It is not against the rules to joke about being OP (and Toppana clearly knew it was a joke.) The actual rule is to ASK for OP, I'm pretty sure she did not ASK to become OP. Once I heard this I doubted what I heard, Toppana clearly knew this was a joke but it still got the ban hammer out.

    The ban has expired, FANTASTIC, but I still think this situation shouldn't be ignored because it was a communication disaster. I really hope admins don't actually perm ban people for this, I really really hope not. Anyway, this was probably a waste of time to type as it does not really change anything, but I still wanted to get this out. Who knows what will happen next, maybe I will be banned for writing this, but I simply cannot let this slide. Bye bye
    Last edited by MrRockboy222; 11-12-2016 at 08:36 AM. Reason: I put should instead of shouldn't
    We have an unbreakable spirit to win. A bulldog tenacity that will help us to hang on while there's breath left in our bodies. You don't get that with Gestapos and jackboots. You get that by being British. So come on, Adolf. We're ready for you

  2. #2

    Also I am always watching

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Somewhere sunny and warm
    Always watching?
    Sanity is Overrated

  4. I would like to see what top and others say about it, just more than one person's view I can only hope there is something else that might be missing, but if not this seams a little out of hand for a joke, if your going to do a temp ban as a joke a 5 min should be more than long enough, but for there to be the amount of of time for someone to set up their own server is way over the top for a joke

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    New Vegas, NV
    I myself was present during this, and I feel like every point that you made makes a lot of sense here.

    At first, I didn't pay a lot of attention to the situation, altough I must agree, it's a bit odd to give two reasonings as of to why there was a temp ban, infact, why was there a temp ban? I know it might of been a joke taken out of hand, but still, like Airo said, atleast 5 mins would've been enough.

    All in all, I sincerely hope atleast some sort of admin will reply to this, and give their point of view when it comes to this, I also find it to be pretty odd, as this was going on Discord, I'd imagine it would make sense if it was going on on the server, where as it could be seen as Chat spam.
    SwixCo© is a RockCo© company. All rights reserved.

  6. #6
    I also find it to be pretty odd, as this was going on Discord
    Same rules apply to discord chat ...

    First of all, why I did it is this:
    7. Do NOT ask for staff, admin, mod or op. NEVER EVER! GOT IT?
    Which includes asking in a 'not asking way'

    I know it's a joke, but I still don't tolerate jokes about getting OP or some commands you will never get.

    It is not against the rules to joke about being OP (and Toppana clearly knew it was a joke.) The actual rule is to ASK for OP
    WHICH INCLUDES "ASKING" IN A NOT ASKING WAY , in my opinion this includes joking..

    It seems people are mad at me because I did 5 days instead of 5 minutes.. would have you been happy if I did permanent ban instead ? As jacowen is not on every day 5 minutes would not have had any effect, she comes and goes so I thought 5 days was good.

    Second, I see you are trying to make me look like the devil here, feel free if it makes your day any better. I just acted because I felt like that was not suitable chatting subject.

  7. #7
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    New Vegas, NV
    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think anyone's trying to make you look like the devil.

    I can however see how it may or may not have been a suitable chatting subject, I must admit that it clearly went a bit over the top after a while.
    SwixCo© is a RockCo© company. All rights reserved.

  8. #8
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    Somewhere over the rainbow
    First things first, I apologise if it did make you look like the devil, which was not my intent. Second thing, why do you not tolerate jokes? I think a lot of us like to have a laugh on the server/discord and it was just one of our many jokes about something that we all knew was never gonna happen. Non of us expected it would go anywhere, especially not a ban. Also how am I suppose to know that the rule includes in a not asking way? I'm not gonna go anywhere with that 5 minute thing cause it wasn't my idea. But even with all this if you simply gave us a warning, we would have stopped this and it would have been forgotten about. However this goes, I hope it just ends with an apology and we just forgive and forget
    We have an unbreakable spirit to win. A bulldog tenacity that will help us to hang on while there's breath left in our bodies. You don't get that with Gestapos and jackboots. You get that by being British. So come on, Adolf. We're ready for you

  9. #9

    I agree ,at least in some way about that warning thing.. However we usually don't do that as mentioned in For New Builders page.
    I do tolerate jokes, but within reason. Of course you can joke about things, but when it goes to joking things what are on the rules I dont like that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Somewhere over the rainbow
    It would have been nice if this was included in the rules page, but alright I guess
    We have an unbreakable spirit to win. A bulldog tenacity that will help us to hang on while there's breath left in our bodies. You don't get that with Gestapos and jackboots. You get that by being British. So come on, Adolf. We're ready for you

  11. #11
    Some people when joking aren't really joking and are trying to pull the old "If you say yes I was serious, if no I was joking" bit. It's annoying and the same as asking for OP which is why we don't allow it (I haven't read the original remarks so I have no idea what this case falls under). It's up to the mods/admins to use their judgement as to what crosses the line or not.

    If someone is banned and you legitimately feel it was unfair (not just a "mum said no so I'll go ask dad" situation) and feel like there should be another opinion then make a ban appeal (before the ban expires) or send another admin a PM here and we'll check it out. I check the site daily and I imagine the rest of the admins do too so it shouldn't take too long for us to see it and look into things (obviously note that we are all in different time zones and have work/school/something that resembles a life, so can't guarantee an instant reply).

    Top's right that the general rule has been around for ages but for the future and for clarity I've added the "joking/not joking" part to the rules page.

  12. #12
    Ah discord, that's why I missed it. Anyway, rules have always said dont ask. Its the most requested and ie the most annoying comment usually made by new players, its been happening ever since Minecraft servers were a thing and will mostly continue to be said for as long Minecraft servers exist. IE Its old and tired that line, it lost any novelty value many years ago.
    If you're my friend, follow me around the bend.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Quote Originally Posted by GM2K View Post
    If someone is banned and you legitimately feel it was unfair (not just a "mum said no so I'll go ask dad" situation) and feel like there should be another opinion then make a ban appeal (before the ban expires)
    The reason I didn't post about this earlier is because I thought it was for another reason that I did understand, as the punishment would have been just right if that was the case

    I do agree with Swixen when he said it did go a bit over the top, and that might have been the fault of me to a degree, but the thing is we had no clue why the ban was in place and as a result Jacowen wanted to be really careful about what she said. Anyway, Jacowen is gonna wake up and say whatever she feels, and I think after that we should just leave this. I've seen why this ban has happened and while I'm still don't entirely agree on it, I at least understand completely what was done wrong, and I will tell Jacowen the next time I see her
    Last edited by MrRockboy222; 11-12-2016 at 10:03 PM. Reason: I really need to read things properly before I post
    We have an unbreakable spirit to win. A bulldog tenacity that will help us to hang on while there's breath left in our bodies. You don't get that with Gestapos and jackboots. You get that by being British. So come on, Adolf. We're ready for you

  14. #14
    How it ended.
    Screenshot (62).png

    How it should have ended (imo)

    Whatever your feelings on this, here is some context. Something something hindsight is 20/20 100% agree with the ban please no repeat preformance and all that good stuff.

    ===== another spooky edit =======

    From my side, I was playing alot of no man's sky, then Rock called it "Sean Murray's lie," so I had to fight to fight him to the death. Anyway that lead me to type the "I need /op and /nick" Once again toootally agree with this ban not trying to fight it, but some context is always nice.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Jacowen; 11-12-2016 at 11:55 PM. Reason: Did a stupid and placed the wrong image, then did a double stupid and posted this post twice. Oh look, now that is attatched to the post and I cant get rid of it! Great .-.

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