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Thread: LaserBiscuit

  1. #1


    I was planning on leaving quietly, but alas, here I am.

    I'll keep this short, since I don't want to say anything regrettable while thoroughly upset.

    Laser rejoined after a long hiatus on Feb 6th. The filter has gotten him once since then on Feb 12th for saying "fffff".

    I've looked high and low for anything else even remotely worthy of being a bannable offense. Not a thing.

    Justification, please.

  2. Sorry LaserBiscuit I got you and Katranman crossed up when we having the conversation about first time Katranman got jailed for swearing you both know the rules please dont let happen again , again sorry for the mix up , Im unbanning everything is there for you still.
    Last edited by Zick_Silvertree; 13-02-2016 at 07:58 AM.

  3. Jay, why are you leaving? Don't leave at all... and as to the "quietly" bit, please explain why you want to leave. You are liked and respected here.

  4. Don't leave forever, make sure you check in and visit sometimes. Don't leave us like a ton of other people did and we never heard a word from them ever again.
    Zick senpai makes my kokoro go doki doki

  5. #5
    Wow, looking back at this now, totally sorry for being in a bad mood there. Hope you can forgive me for that I just know laser is one swood frood haha

  6. Laser is awesome and it would of been a shame if we lost him
    Zick senpai makes my kokoro go doki doki

  7. #7

    I didn't notice this thread over in this part of the forum. In any case, yeah, I was pretty infuriated for a long while that I got busted for a string of a consonant. I really think a list of swears needs to be published. It's morally wrong to hold the axe over your users and then not give them the ability to know what will make it drop. In the moment, it made me seriously consider leaving for good, but I genuinely don't want to leave this server, with all the kind friends I have made here.

  8. #8
    Banned words will never be published, it just gives people ideas on how to avoid the instant death punishment from the chat filter. We are all mature enough to know whats acceptable and what is not.
    If you're my friend, follow me around the bend.

  9. #9
    As a mature person who wanted to express frustration, typing "fffff" seemed perfectly acceptable. A milquetoast, innocuous hiss. Being busted for that makes me paranoid because if that's verboten, what's next? What if I use a grawlix? Will I get punished for something you'd read in Beetle Bailey? It's so extreme that I'm left to assume that I'm not allowed to be angry, disappointed, annoyed, or upset at any time on the server.

    I understand your reasoning for not wanting to publish a list, and to some extent I agree that people would try to subvert it (which would no doubt result in a manual report and punishment because the community here is tightly knit and active in reporting shenanigans). But if it won't be published, can the G-rated filters be trimmed back a bit? I would feel a lot less anxiety and would be more comfortable talking to people if I didn't have to audit every sentence I write, no matter how calm and neutral I am.

  10. Here is the thing, a person who keeps repeating swearing will find there self out the door. The reason I banned you is that I thought you was jailed twice for swearing. I'm sorry I did that, my mistake as I was wrong you only done it once saying that lets keep it to once. Its simple, the rules are there its not hard to keep your hands off the keyboard when your angry go punch a pillow yell at your goldfish kick the pop can down the road. But to say something because your angry repeated F or spelling it out will get you jailed. If done on purpose and keep doing it over and over say goodbye. The rules are here and they are simple. They are not going to change its here to protect people and children who practice self control and not let angry, disappointed, annoyed , or to upset or frustration get to them. So lets put end to this thread and move on, enjoy playing the game and each others company and have fun doing it!
    Last edited by Zick_Silvertree; 02-03-2016 at 11:10 PM.

  11. #11
    That's one thing I never understood, why Ffffss is chat censored. To me, that has always been the same as "pfft" and I don't think anyone would really take offense to that.

  12. We all have our words we think are acceptable or not acceptable. Pfft does not mean fffff as around world each others words are different and taken differently from where i'm from everyone knows the difference between those two. Mark set up the filter and going stay that way, clearly pfft is not on the chat filter and ffff is and obviously there is a reason for it.

  13. I like what Zick has said here. I understand the frustrations involved and the complicated things we are all trying to consider. I wanted to make a few suggestions for everyone to keep in mind.
    1. The rules and filters which support those rules are here to make this server a safe and clean environment for everyone no mater what part of the world, age, traditions we come from. There will always be individuals who disagree but we cannot create a good community by attempting to make things perfect for every individual. As a community we must compromise. When you encounter a frustration, please keep in mind the intent of the staff is for the overall good. Thankfully, we have forums for your use in communicating through your frustrations.
    2. When things happen in game that are frustrating or irritating it is understandable that a reaction may occur. However, we all have to be accountable for our actions. The filter is in place to protect the other players who do not deserve to feel the brunt of anyone's frustrations. The filter does what it does. Punishment dealt, end of story. No need to make an issue. Learn from it and move on. When does it become bannable? This is where the staff come in. All I can say is we work hard to be fair and honor the rules of the server. If you have shown good character overall, and have shown that you respect rules of the server, it will go better for you than it would someone very new and repeating the offense. I know it doesn't feel good to find yourself on the wrong side of a lightning bolt. It feels very personal and it's natural to want to be defensive about it. However, it is best to simply learn from it. Ask questions if you need. Keep it simple.
    3. Everyone has had frustrations in game. We are human. I recommend sarcasm as an alternative to ambiguous strings of letters that can be interpreted in a variety of ways. I also recommend emoji typing. For example, when I lost my entire collection of diamonds (multiple stacks of diamond block) in an incident with a cactus I was extremely disappointed. There was a moment before I typed anything that I took a deep breath. I reminded myself that I can get more diamond. I reminded myself that the other players in the game would have no idea what just happened. I feel a part of the community and I naturally wanted to share my feelings with others. This is where I typed something in chat. I don't recall exactly what I said but I imagine it was something like this. "Well, that was dumb." "Lesson learned." "Don't walk around with your entire collection of diamonds in your pockets, especially when you are hugging a cactus." ";/" ":[" "" etc etc.... you get the idea. At which point my fellow community members have the chance to respond, laugh at me, comfort me, learn from my mistake, mourn with me, etc.
    Overall, the reason you want to play here is partly to do with the good community we have created. We want you here. We appreciate the contribution of the variety of people to this community. Play, interact, have fun, be happy.
    Last edited by KlevrKrafter; 03-03-2016 at 01:15 AM.

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