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Thread: It appears some people find registering really hard

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Somewhere over the rainbow

    It appears some people find registering really hard

    So someone named jmho904 joined the server, and decided that registering was too much effort, so

    Me: jmho904, you will need to read the signs
    Him: I did
    Me: So what are you gonna do now?
    Him: I dont know, i wanted to get a tardis but.
    Me: You sure you read the signs?
    Him: yes
    Me: It told you to do something, what was that?
    Him: i need to register on the website
    So he clearly knew he had to register, but decided to not. Let's see his reasons
    Me: Ah yes, go do that
    Him: ...
    Him: how?
    So he has no idea how to register even though the signs tell him where to register
    Me: Right you see that link
    Me: It leads to a website
    Me: Open up a browser and go to that link
    Him: nvm
    He then decides that it was too much effort to register and just left. Maybe going to a website for some people is too much

  2. It only takes 5 minutes and I often give them the link to register, it isn't that hard because kids have managed to do it. Most people are used to just joining a server then teleporting into the wilds so registering is too much for them and they leave, which doesn't really matter because if they are too lazy to register most of the players that are like this are undesirable as they either steal because it's easier then gathering your own stuff, originally planned to grief the server but registering is too much effort or are too lazy to read the rules/information and end up getting banned and/or asking stupid questions about the tardis plugin in the chat. These kinds of players aren't wanted here and the registration process helps weed them out. Also if a guest cannot handle the website they probably aren't going to remember the rules either.
    Zick senpai makes my kokoro go doki doki

  3. #3
    Yes rock that is very common.. I would have typed things that strawbs said but she was quicker.

  4. #4
    Some kids also probably don't have access to an email address as well, or they're told by parents to not register or open any websites.

  5. or the child has joined 502 different servers and the parent drawn the line at 502 and don't want to register for the 503rd time so they set around spawn asking please register me or I shouldn't have to this is stupid no one else does it "just saying" (and which is why they stick around nagging because they want play on our server so bad), to the you can get more people on this server if you don't have this register thing. Which can be solved by something so simple tell there parents I found the Best of the Best servers, Top Dog ,hands down the cream of the crop of servers i will never ask again , and register for the 503rd time at Next week they end up banned (for being a thief or being a griefer)so asking there parents can you register me for another server? What happen little Johnny the other server was jerks and they treated me bad and i didn't like them anyways! :P the life of a internet gaming child poor little Johnny
    Last edited by Zick_Silvertree; 07-02-2016 at 05:41 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    New Vegas, NV
    That conversation made my day

  7. #7
    Not for me :/ He is my enemy for making a lie about me.

  8. #8
    Stop that! He was not the one who banned you, he tried to explain the situation, might have been harsh, but deal with it. AND No he did not want to break your friendship. You know you might have had a chance. But you ruined it by spreading this "Zick didit/is my enemy" , Zick did not do that. With your ban goes the title you gave me, so GOODBYE! There are over 30 000 minecraft servers out there, plenty to choose from.

  9. #9
    If players are unable to complete the registration process then they are probably not the type we want here, I think of it as an entry test they have to pass. However, I still always check when someone says 'the registration doesn't work to see if I can help. Thee are a number of reasons why the registration does not work, with only the first being a genuine problem.

    1 Players email has a '.' in the username eg mark.df@wherever will always fail

    2 The player lies about registering - happens a lot, ie there is no registratration

    3 The player does not check their spam/junk folder

    4 The player does not move the email out of the junk/spam folder so the link will work

    5 Player does not read the instructions and about having to use their exact minecraft name - eg mark instead of markdf

    6 Player does not read the instructions and enters a totally different name to their minecraft account
    If that minecraft name doesnt exist, registration wont happen
    If somone else has that minecraft name registration will work but they still cant be a builder as it doesnt match their name on our server and the email link wont work for them

    7 Incorrect email address (happens occasionally), using another email address they dont have or is fake, will not work.
    Which is why I will never manually put a player in a builder group unless they prove they have access to that email, ie why they have to email me if they cant read the simple instructions on registering.

    8 Players refusing to register (because it sucks), then being abusive when the don't get their own way and we all know how that ends.

    As its always been even since the server changed from being a select group by invitation only to an open server, we will never lower our standards just to get more players. I'd prefer the server to be a ghost town with just a few quality players than have hundreds of screaming idiots talking trash, keyboard warriors with their obnoxious behaviour and their 'entitled' attitude.
    If you're my friend, follow me around the bend.

  10. #10
    Both banned from the web site
    If you're my friend, follow me around the bend.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MrRockboy222 View Post
    So someone named jmho904 joined the server, and decided that registering was too much effort, so

    Me: jmho904, you will need to read the signs
    Him: I did
    Me: So what are you gonna do now?
    Him: I dont know, i wanted to get a tardis but.
    Me: You sure you read the signs?
    Him: yes
    Me: It told you to do something, what was that?
    Him: i need to register on the website
    So he clearly knew he had to register, but decided to not. Let's see his reasons
    Me: Ah yes, go do that
    Him: ...
    Him: how?
    So he has no idea how to register even though the signs tell him where to register
    Me: Right you see that link
    Me: It leads to a website
    Me: Open up a browser and go to that link
    Him: nvm
    He then decides that it was too much effort to register and just left. Maybe going to a website for some people is too much
    After many years of doing exactly what you did and just wasting a lot of my time, I generally don't bother except maybe to paste the link to the web site. Any help you give to guests is almost always a waste of time, same with new builders who expect everything to be explained to them. Be polite and post the website address if you like, also giving items to help out brand new builder1's is usually a waste of resources as most disappear after a few days anyway.
    If you're my friend, follow me around the bend.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Elecepont View Post
    Not for me :/ He is my enemy for making a lie about me.
    Oh look, here is one I prepared earlier, about builder1's not lasting very long. Also for those that don't know, friends of obnoxious new players who join at the same time usually get banned at the same time. In my experience friends don't take it well that their mate was banned, 'cause he didnt do anything', 'you suck', 'this server sucks', 'Im going to report your server and get it shutdown' keyboard warrior, screaming idiot or whatever you want to call them.

    Note this does not apply to a trusted player who has been here for sometime, invites a friend, and so-called friend turns out to be a thief and griefer. Just the new player gets banned.
    If you're my friend, follow me around the bend.

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