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    It's working again. All I did was update to bukkit 1.8.4

    For the VIP+++ members, don't forget you get a 250 x 250 worldguard area. Just tell me the centre co-ord of the area you want protected, you can then remove your Grief Protection from that area and use your GP credits somewhere else. You can do what klevrkrafter is, using her GP credits to slowly protect the border of her claimed area.

    For new players, you can basicly claim whatever area you like as long as it doesn't already belong to someone else (ask me if you are not sure) and don't build close to someone else unless you check with them first. Some players just claim a small island, while others like a much bigger area, make it obvious where your borders are with signs, fences etc. If someone removes your fences etc they will soon be looking for a new server to play on. But don't get to carried away claiming a big area as a new player, many players have large areas but they have been playing a long time and they are using the area they have claimed.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. ToppanaFIN's Avatar
      [Admin] ToppanaFIN -
      I know I still have it but I havent figured a place for it yet When I do I'll let you know.