Contribute $10 for VIP
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  • VIP contributions

    Permanent VIP+++
    VelvetElevator - robotree - TechnoBlaze - JazzPanther (jaydeecorp13) - TripleHealix - Zangles (Kebabo) - metermon - CoeliacChicakaMM - portal2lbp2 - KlevrKrafter - Dyrenzo (DarkJinjo420) - PurpleZion - DementedSun - JohnnyHeroes - Ijieroh - Taylorwailer - Corey3515 - daddyelf - analog_anarchy - Zick_Silvertree - Kalle_Silvertree - ToppanaFIN - Wezerds - Jacowen - Airomis - Norge100 - asplinduh - TheDarkSwan (thatheyheykid)- Norge100YT - huubie - xRainbowUnicorn - xDrJekyll (imemMinecraft) - Royal2800 - Canley - JacowensSlave (GameFilms) - JellyBirdTheFish - Piper_Halliwell - Redikko -

    Permanent VIP
    Breegullbeak - QuantumError - 

    Permanent TimeLord

    VIP Cost
    Players who donate to the server (real money) will have VIP or VIP+++ added to their title. NOTE VIP does NOT give you permissions of all the builder groups, you still have to earn them like everyone else. VIP will give you a few extras that are not available to anyone else.

    Highlighted in red are banned VIP's. Stealing and griefing dont get a 'get of jail free card' here.