View Full Version : JURKS
20-09-2015, 12:13 AM
1. Banned me for something so simple
2. laughed in my face
3. if you think this is funny you have a cold heart
I hope your server dont last long
Have fun with your selfs
20-09-2015, 08:28 PM
I have no idea who you are, tell me what this 'simple' thing is you were banned for.
* Its spelt 'jerk'
* This server has been online almost 5 years, so I think its safe to say its not going anywhere any time soon.
* We do have fun here, as we ban those who cant follow a few simple rules.
20-09-2015, 11:26 PM
"For something so simple" Yeah right. Doesn't matter !
1. Thou shall not steal thy neighbours stuff
2. Thou shall not shoot thy friend with an arrow to the head (unless thy friend likes it)
3. Thou shall not ask the gods for free stuff (see rule 4)
4. Thou must not moan when life is not perfect (you die and lose your stuff, see rule 3)
5. Listen and heed the words of the Admin, else suffer thy consequences
6. Do not speak the forbidden words.
7. Do NOT ask for staff, admin, mod or op. NEVER EVER! GOT IT?
8. Thou shall not cheat, use hacks, grief, steal etc
9. Thou shall not preach words of false deity’s.
You did not follow the rules. Those are so simple rules. I hate how people come here and complain about this server being stupid, when they don't follow the rules. GOODBYE!
01-12-2017, 03:29 AM
I replanted it if i was someone needing of a ban i wouldn't have replanted it and i didn't take everything you should really do some thinking before you make rules for a kids game...
04-12-2017, 06:55 AM
you should really do some thinking before you make rules for a kids game...
Yeah, the kids don't need rules.You never see them nicking each others toys. Nah, rules are for adults.
If you can find any well established Minecraft server that doesn't have any rules, I'll be impressed
07-12-2017, 10:21 AM
Yeah, the kids don't need rules.You never see them nicking each others toys. Nah, rules are for adults.
If you can find any well established Minecraft server that doesn't have any rules, I'll be impressed
Kids dont need rules...HAA HAA I think that comment deserves a promotion to MasterBuilder. :cool:
08-12-2024, 12:48 AM
I have no idea who you are, tell me what this 'simple' thing is you were banned for.
* Its spelt 'jerk'
* This server has been online ( almost 5 years, so I think its safe to say its not going anywhere any time soon.
* We do have fun here, as we ban those who cant follow a few simple rules.
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